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Blaine Higgs

Blaine Higgs's "B+" score as a party leader is based on assessment of his personal leadership on 8 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, summarized as follows:

Summary of Actions

Voting Record
  • Higgs has a mixed voting record during his time in the legislature.
Sanctity of Life
  • Higgs spoke at a past March for Life rally in Fredericton where he said he shares the conviction of pro-lifers.
  • Higgs led a fight to stop the former Liberal government from eliminating the modicum of protection for preborn children that existed in New Brunswick law wherein two doctors had to sign off that an abortion was “medically necessary” to be eligible for taxpayer funding.
Funding Abortions
  • Higgs took a principled stand against funding abortions committed at private, for-profit facilities. He did not buckle under Justin Trudeau’s threat of financial coercion in which the PM demanded New Brunswick pay for abortions committed at Clinic 554, the former Morgentaler abortuary. Thanks in no small part to Higgs’ firm stand, the abortuary ended its baby-killing services in 2024.
Conscience Rights
  • Has not taken a public position on conscience rights protection for healthcare workers to protect them from coercion to participate in or refer for abortion, euthanasia or sex-change mutilation surgeries.
  • Premier Higgs has allowed his MLAs to vote according to their conscience on issues they feel are important to them. 
  • When in Opposition, Higgs fought for a free vote by MLAs when the then-Liberal government rammed through a policy change to remove the rule that required two doctors to sign off that an abortion was medically necessary.
Anti-Free Speech Bubble Zones
  • Has expressed no opinion about whether his government would ever entertain the sort of unconstitutional censorship law that has been adopted in other provinces, wherein peaceful protests and the peaceful exercise of free speech has been criminalized within a 50 metre radius of abortuaries, hospitals or schools, even on taxpayer-owned, public sidewalks.
LGBTQ Ideology
  • Higgs reformed Policy 713 to require schools to obtain parental consent before allowing minor children to “transition” at school.
  • At the 2024 Canada Strong and Free Networking Conference, Higgs questioned why doctors aren’t speaking up about the harms caused by so-called “gender transitioning” procedures, operations he described as being “irreparable.” He also said he believes in looking abroad to places like Europe for examples of how to better deal with treating gender dysphoria, through therapy, instead of prescribing irreversible procedures and harmful puberty blockers to children.
  • Speaking to reporters on May 19, 2023, Higgs said that he "did not believe young children should be exposed to drag (queen) story time".This is a radical new indoctrination tactic in which men dressed up as women, often in highly sexualized garb, read sexually-themed books to young children in order to normalize the LGBTQ lifestyle.
Parental Rights
  • Has been a strong defender of parental rights in education.
  • Higgs stated in the Legislature that: “Parents are the foundation of our society; families are the foundation of our society, and what we’re seeing is that erosion of the family role in children’s upbringing.”
  • In May 2024, Higgs banned an external sex education group from New Brunswick schools after discovering it had promoted sexually explicit material to school children.
  • Higgs has stated publicly that he does not support programs which keep a person addicted to drugs. He has been critical of British Columbia’s decision to decriminalize hard drugs, and where the government has set up state-run drug dens where people can legally inject heroin, smoke crack, snort cocaine, and even receive free, taxpayer-funded drugs.

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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